#60 Building a Sense of Community Within the Travel Industry with Jasmine Causey of ASTA

This episode is for anyone who has ever felt alone within the industry. We talked about building your community within the industry. Why you should find the right puzzle for your pieces so that you can find your home. Ultimately People Join People, not organizations or associations.

We also discussed the power of building relationships with other advisors, but also with the BDMs/Reps of the companies within the industry that you sell - even if it's not your preferred supplier, still build the relationship. 

Join me in The Poconos at the end of September this year, where I will be taking the stage at the Central PA Grow Your Travel Business Symposium: https://www.eventbrite.co.nz/e/3rd-annual-grow-your-travel-business-symposium-trade-show-tickets-774487371577?aff=erelexpmlt 

Looking for a community of advisors to build your community? Join us on Facebook at  facebook.com/groups/travelagentobjections

If you're looking for more information on ASTA, you can find them at https://asta.org/

The American Society of Travel Advisors (ASTA), the world's leading association of travel professionals, is the global advocate for travel agencies, the travel industry, and the traveling public. We champion ethical and traveler-friendly practices and policies at every level of government and throughout the travel and hospitality industry. Our members are all bound by a shared code of ethics.

 ASTA's RiverCruise Expo: https://www.astarivercruiseexpo.org/

ASTA's Travel Advisors Conference: https://www.traveladvisorconference.org/

ASTA's Legislative Day: https://s1.goeshow.com/asta/LegDay2024/